How Do I Work with AXIS Cloud Sync API

How Do I Work with AXIS Cloud Sync API

Welcome to the AXIS Cloud Sync API

The AXIS Cloud Sync API gives you the ability to harness AXIS Cloud directly. The API allows you to securely read and write files, create/edit/delete accounts and organizations, update and view activity, access and create roots, and retrieve machine information. All of the functionality of AXIS Cloud Sync is at your fingertips through the AXIS Cloud API.

IMPORTANT: For information about AXIS API v2, please visit our API v2 Reference page.

Getting Started

To access any files, we need to know who you are so we know what permissions you have. To do that, you post your username/password to our auth URL, and it will give you a token that you can pass to other methods. The primary URLs needed are the same as the Dropbox API’s account/info and metadata URLs.

Getting API Token

To get the API token, the HTTP POST request must contain the username and password for authentication; the session API token is then served up with a success or an error message.

Note: You can set a time limit for API tokens using policy settings. In the administrative web portal, click the Settings tab, and then click thePolicies button. Scroll down to the API Token Settings section of the Policies page, and enter a number of hours to wait until deactivating an API token. By default, API tokens expire after 30 days.

For example, suppose your server is hosted at To request a session token provide your username and password as POSTING variables in the following URL (note the use of the /1/, which is the API version number):
PASSWORD  = 'Tester01'

A successful response looks like this:


Omitting the username and password posting variables results in this error:

     "message": "You must provide a username and password",
     "success": false 

An incorrect username and password pair will result in this error:

     "message": "Invalid username or password",
     "success": false

Two-Step Authentication

If the username and password are correct, but Two-Step Authentication is enabled for the account, the following response will be returned:

    "message": "Missing auth_code parameter",
    "two_step_mode": "{email|sms|authenticator}",
    "success": false

The request will trigger an authentication code notification; the authentication request must then be repeated with the auth_code parameter added:

POST /1/auth/

If the authentication code is incorrect, the following response will be returned:

    "message": "Invalid authentication code",
    "two_step_mode": "{email|sms|authenticator}",
    "success": false

Otherwise, a successful response containing the session token will be returned.



The API token is good for the current session only and a new one is needed for each session. Additionally, create, read, update, and delete functionality is limited to the scope of the API token requester. For example, if a system admin requests an API token, she has access to all organizations and actions therein. But if a user requests an API token, she is barred from creating new organizations, setting policies, and otherwise altering organizational level content.

Let’s take a look at some examples of what we can do with the token.


Get Account Info

To grab the account information for the current user (i.e. the API token requester) use the URL format /1/account/info/. The full URL request will look like this (using the example IP for the host above):

The response will look something like this:

     "id": 1,
     "first_name": "Larry",
     "last_name": "Kubin",
     "display_name": "Larry Kubin",
     "email": ""
     "root_id": 1,
     "space_usage": 3169361,
     "space_usage_formatted": "3.02M",
     "space_quota": null,
     "space_quota_formatted": null,
     [ {
     "type": "backup",
     "space_used": 718334,
     "id": 4,
     "name": "C:\\Projects\\backups\\greensnake\\greensnake\\static\\images"
     }, {
     "type": "backup",
     "space_used": 150048,
     "id": 5,
     "name": "C:\\Projects\\dropdav"
     }, {
     "type": "backup",
     "space_used": 1596688,
     "id": 6,
     "name": "C:\\Projects\\wsgidav"
     }, {
     "type": "sync",
     "space_used": 704291,
     "id": 1,
     "name": "Files"
     }, {
     "type": "share",
     "space_used": 0,
     "id": 2,
     "name": "Team Share 1"
     }, {
     "type": "share",
     "space_used": 0,<
     "id": 3,
     "name": "Team Share 2"
     "success": true,

List files & folders in a root

To list files and folders in the personal root (i.e. the files/folders in the SyncedFolder), use the following URL GET request:

This will have a response like this:

"hash": "71595dc2e15ae7b9924b60662f166108ccc588c3",
"rev": 0,
"thumb_exists": false,
"modified_unix_timestamp": 0,
"path": "/",
"is_dir": true,
"client_mtime": 0,
"size": "0B",
"is_deleted": false,
"bytes": 0,
"modified": 0,
"contents": [ {
"rev": 0,
"thumb_exists": false,
"modified_unix_timestamp": 0,
"path": "/documents",
"is_dir": true,
"client_mtime": 0,
"size": "0B",
"is_deleted": false,
"bytes": 0,
"modified": 0,
"icon": "folder",
"root": 1
}, {
"rev": 0,
"thumb_exists": false,
"modified_unix_timestamp": 0,
"path": "/pictures",
"is_dir": true,
"client_mtime": 0,
"size": "0B",
"is_deleted": false,
"bytes": 0,
"modified": 0,
"icon": "folder",
"root": 1
}, {
"rev": 10,
"thumb_exists": false,
"modified_unix_timestamp": 1353459846,
"path": "/anchor.jpg",
"is_dir": false,
"client_mtime": "2012-11-20T17:04:06",
"size": "1.91k",
"is_deleted": false,
"bytes": 1953,
"modified": "2012-11-20T17:04:06",
"icon": "page_white_picture",
"root": 1
"status_code": 200,
"icon": "folder",
"root": 1

List files & folders in a directory of a given root

To list files and folders in a directory of your specifying use the following URI formatting: /1/metadata/*root_id*/*path*/>session_token=*session_token*. Here’s an example:

Here the personal root (/1/) is specified, and the “documents” folder is in the personal root.

Create share and download links

To create a share link to an entire root use this URI:

To create a share link to a folder within a root:

To create a share link to a specific file in a folder in a root:

To create a link to download a specific file:

Implemented Endpoints

Base URI

Error responses will look like the following and will have a HTTP response code matching the status_code:

    "status_code": 404,
    "message": "unknown root with id 20",
    "code": "error"
    "status_code": 500,
    "message": "missing required field activity_type_id",
    "code": "error"


/person/ – retrieves information for the current user.
/person/<id>/ – retrieves information for the user with the specified id, if the current user has permission.
/person/<id>/full/ – retrieves “full” information for the user with the specified id, if the current user has permission. for example is that the company is populated instead of just returning the company’s id.

/person/create/– creates a new person with the following parameters:

company_idyescompany id for the new person
first_nameyesnew person’s first name
last_nameyesnew person’s last name
emailyesnew person’s email address
passwordyesnew person’s password
space_quotanointeger representation of the new user’s space quota
mobile_phonenonew user’s mobile phone number
mobile_service_provider_idnonew user’s mobile service provider id
site_adminnotrue or false to give the new user site_admin privileges
system_adminnotrue or false to give the new user system_admin privileges
create_rootnotrue or false to have a root automatically created for the new user

Sample successful response:

    "full_uri": "/1/management/person/31/full/",
    "root_created": false,
    "code": "success",
    "id": 31,
    "uri": "/1/management/person/31/"

/person/update/– updates an existing person with the following parameters (id is the only required parameter):


Sample successful response:

    "full_uri": "/1/management/person/31/full/",
    "code": "success",
    "id": 31,
    "uri": "/1/management/person/31/"

/person/delete/– deletes an existing person with the following parameters:



/activity/types/ – lists the types of activities in the system.
Sample response:

        "id": 1,
        "activity": "added account",
        "machine_scope": false,
        "user_scope": false,
        "system_scope": false
        "id": 10,
        "activity": "added auth source to",
        "machine_scope": false,
        "user_scope": false,
        "system_scope": false

/activity/<entity_type>/<id>/ – returns the activities for an entity_type of “organization” or “person” with the specified id. Returns up to 10 activities along with the total activities, current page number, and number of pages. see sample response below.
/activity/<entity_type>/<id>/page/<page_num>/ – same as above, but returns page_name of the paged activity results, instead of page 1.
Sample response:

    "activities" : [
            "id": 69,
            "acted_on_type": "person",
            "acted_on_text": "api_created_first api_created_last",
            "actor_type": "person",
            "actor_company_id": null,
            "actor_machine_id": null,
            "actor_person_id": 2,
            "actor_text": "Mike Lansing",
            "data_text": null,
            "created": "2012-10-17T16:23:26.598000+00:00",
            "acted_on_machine_id": null,
            "acted_on_company_id": 2,
            "acted_on_person_id": 20,
            "acted_on_root_id": null,
            "num_alerts": 0,
            "action_text": "removed account"
    "total_activities": 25,
    "total_pages": 3,
    "page": 1

/activity/<id>/ – retrieves the activity with specified id.
Sample response:

    "id": 3,
    "actor_type": null,
    "actor_text": "System",
    "actor_company_id": null,
    "actor_machine_id": null,
    "actor_person_id": null,
    "action_text": null,
    "acted_on_type": "site",
    "acted_on_text": "All Organizations",
    "acted_on_company_id": 1,
    "acted_on_machine_id": null,
    "acted_on_person_id": null,
    "data_text": "C:/AnchorDBStore",
    "activity_type_id": 22,
    "created": "2012-10-04T22:40:37.182000+00:00",
    "acted_on_root_id": null

/activity/create/– creates an activity with the following parameters.

activity_type_idyesactivity type id
actor_idyesid of the actor, interpreted according the to actor_type param
actor_typeyestype of actor, currently must be one of ‘person’, ‘site’, ‘machine’
acted_on_idyesid of the acted-upon entity, interpreted according to the acted_on_type param
acted_on_typeyestype of acted-upon entity, currently must be one of ‘person’, ‘site’, ‘machine’, ‘root’
actor_textnooptional additional text
acted_on_textnooptional additional text
data_textnooptional additional text

Sample response:

    "code": "success",
    "id": 34,
    "uri": "/1/management/activity/34/"


/policy/<id>/ – retrieves the policy specified by id, currently is a company_id but will most likely change in the future.
Sample response:

    "space_quota": 1073741824,
    "max_file_size": "300",
    "purge_deleted": false,
    "trim_revisions": false,
    "excluded_extensions": ".$$,.$db,.113,.3g2,.3gp,...."
    "company_id": 2,
    "purge_deleted_frequency": "",
    "user_trim_revisions": false,
    "user_create_backups": false,
    "id": 2,
    "trim_revisions_x": ""

/policy/update/– update a policy with the supplied parameters:

idyesid of the policy to update currently this corresponds directly with a company id
space_quotanomust be an integer
max_file_sizenomust be an integer
purge_deletednomust be either ‘true’ or ‘false’ if provided
trim_revisionsnomust be either ‘true’ or ‘false’ if provided
excluded_extensionsnocomma-separated list of file extensions, ex: “*.mp3,*.ogg,*.avi”
user_purge_deletednomust be either ‘true’ or ‘false’ if provided
purge_deleted_frequencynointeger deletion purge frequency
user_trim_revisionsnomust be either ‘true’ or ‘false’ if provided
user_create_backupsnomust be either ‘true’ or ‘false’ if provided
trim_revisions_xnointeger trim revision cutoff


/root/<id>/ – retrieves the root specified by id.
Sample response:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Files",
    "description": "",
    "company_id": 2,
    "person_id": 1,
    "dept_share": false,
    "backup": false

/root/create/ – creates a new root with the supplied parameters:

company_idyescompany id for the new root
nameyesname for the new root
person_idnooptional person id for the root
defaultnotrue or false to set the new root as a personal root for the specified person
descriptionnooptional description for the new root
dept_sharenotrue or false to set the new root as a Team Share

/root/update/ – update a root with the supplied parameters:

idyesid of the root to be updated
company_idnocompany id for the root
namenoname for the root
descriptionnodescription for the root
person_idnoperson who will own the root
defaultnotrue or false to set the root as the person’s personal root

/root/delete/ – delete a root with the supplied parameters. Only applies to Team Shares and Backups:

idyesid of the root to be deleted
remove_filesyesTrue or False to remove folder from machine (will only remove folder if removing a Team Share)

/guest/create/ – Create a guest account with the supplied parameters:

company_idyesCompany id that the guest account will belong to
first_nameyesFirst name for user
last_nameyesLast name for user
emailyesEmail address for user
passwordnoSpecify password for user
generate_passwordnoTrue to send account a generated password


Retrieve information about: GET 1/management/guest/<guest_id>

/guest/update/ – Update a guest account with the supplied parameters:

idyesId of Guest account
first_namenoFirst name for user
last_namenoLast name for user
emailnoEmail address for user
passwordnoSpecify password for user
generate_passwordnoTrue to generated password

/guest/delete/ – delete a guest account with the supplied parameters:

idyesId of Guest account


Implemented Endpoints

/machine/<id>/ – retrieves the machine specified by id.
Sample response:

"status_code": 200, 
"code": "success", 
"id": 24, 
"dns_name": "Davids-MacBook-Pro", 
"nickname": null, 
"last_login": "2014-10-31T12:00:03.076000-07:00", 
"last_disconnect": null, 
"guid": "a0a7f478-dace-40ff-8d86-3d497784ddf8", 
"security_key": "d42c12ee-da76-43e5-abc7-72c83f026a0e", 
"created": "2014-10-31T12:00:03.030000-07:00", 
"os_type": "osx", 
"os_version": "Mac OS X 10.9.5", 
"agent_version": " (0d11f28bd493) (78540a15b566)", 
"locked": false, 
"bandwidth_throttle": null, 
"throttle_exception_days": null, 
"throttle_exception_start": null, 
"throttle_exception_end": null, 
"throttle_exception_throttle": null, 
"throttled": false, 
"policy_id": null, 
"machine_type": "agent", 
"health_report_period_minutes": null, 
"manual_collisions": true, 
"throttle_exception_dow": null

/machine/update/– update a machine with the supplied parameters:

idyesid of the machine to update
bandwidth_throttlenointeger specifying the bandwidth throttle
throttle_exception_downomust be a parseable list of integers representing days of the week, with 0=Monday, 6=Sunday. example: [0,1,2,3]
throttle_exception_daysnoif provided, must be either ‘weekdays’ or ‘weekends’ which will set throttle_exception_dow to [0,1,2,3,4] or [5,6] respectively, and will override any value sent for throttle_exception_dow
throttle_exception_startnotime value of the form ‘HH:mm’ or ‘HH:mm:ss’
throttle_exception_endnotime value of the form ‘HH:mm’ or ‘HH:mm:ss’
throttle_exception_throttlenointeger specifying the throttle exception value


/organization/<id>/ – retrieves the organization specified by id.
Sample response:

    "id": 2,
    "parent_id": 1,
    "name": "Default Organization",
    "slug": "default-organization",
    "description": "",
    "email": "",
    "hostname": "localhost",
    "policy": "{ .... }",
    "created": "2012-10-04T16:35:04.701000-06:00",
    "email_server_id": null,
    "psa": null,
    "bandwidth_throttle": null,
    "throttle_exception_days": null,
    "throttle_exception_start": null,
    "throttle_exception_end": null,
    "throttle_exception_throttle": null,
    "throttled": false,
    "active": true,
    "throttle_exception_dow": null

/organization/<id>/organizations/ – retrieves organizations underneath the organization specified by id. results are returned 10 at a time.
/organization/<id>/organizations/page/<page_num>/ – retrieves page_num page of 10 results.
Sample response:

    "total_pages": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "total_organizations": 3,
    "organizations": [
            "id": 2,
            "parent_id": 1,
            "name": "Default Organization",
            "slug": "default-organization",
            "description": "",
            "email": "",
            "hostname": "localhost",

/organization/<id>/roots/ – retrieves roots underneath the organization specified by id.
/organization/<id>/roots/page/<page_num>/ – retrieves page_num page of 10 results.
Sample response:

    "total_roots": 16,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "page": 1,
    "roots": [
            "company_id": 2,
            "company_name": "Default Organization",
            "root_id": 16,
            "name": "api_updated",
            "physical_space": 0,
            "file_count": 0,
            "revision_count": 0,
            "created": "2012-10-18T15:38:24.293000-06:00",
            "dept_share": false,
            "backup": false,
            "person_id": null,
            "first_name": null,
            "last_name": null,
            "username": null,
            "email": null
        { .... }

/organization/<id>/machines/ – retrieves machines underneath the organization specified by id.
/organization/<id>/machines/page/<page_num>/ – retrieves page_num page of 10 results.

/organization/<id>/persons/ – retrieves persons underneath the organization specified by id.
/organization/<id>/persons/page/<page_num>/ – retrieves page_num page of 10 results.
Sample response:

    "total_persons": 30,
    "total_pages": 3,
    "page": 1,
    "persons": [
            "id": 31,
            "first_name": "Louis",
            "last_name": "API",
            "email": "",
            "use_ldap": false,
            "username": ""
        { .... }

/organization/create/– creates an organization with the following parameters:

nameyesname for the new organization
hostnamenodefaults to an empty string
descriptionnodefaults to an empty string
contact_emailyescontact email address for the organization
slugyesslug for the organization
policyyespolicy for the organization
parent_idyesid of the parent organization
bandwidth_throttlenointeger specifying the bandwidth throttle
throttle_exception_downomust be a parseable list of integers representing days of the week, with 0=Monday, 6=Sunday. example: [0,1,2,3]
throttle_exception_daysnoif provided, must be either ‘weekdays’ or ‘weekends’ which will set throttle_exception_dow to [0,1,2,3,4] or [5,6] respectively, and will override any value sent for throttle_exception_dow
throttle_exception_startnotime value of the form ‘HH:mm’ or ‘HH:mm:ss’
throttle_exception_endnotime value of the form ‘HH:mm’ or ‘HH:mm:ss’
throttle_exception_throttlenointeger specifying the throttle exception value
user_trim_revisionnoTrue or False to allow users to trim revisions
user_create_backupsnoTrue or False to allow users to create backups
user_create_sharesnoTrue or False to allow users to share files
admin_browse_remotenoTrue or False to allow admins to remote browse machines
admin_browse_filesnoTrue or False to allow admins to browse files
admin_create_usersnoTrue or False to allow admins to create accounts
file_server_enablednoTrue or False to allow File Server Enablement
backups_enablednoTrue or False to allow back up creation for organization
branding_enablednoTrue or False to allow branding for an organization
webdav_enablednoTrue or False to allow WebDav for an organization
num_orgs_maximumnoInteger specifying the max number of sub-organizations that can be created
change_password_frequencynoInteger specifying how often users need to change their password

/organization/update/– updates an organization with the following parameters:

idyesid of the organization to update
namenonew name for the organization, must be unique in the system
descriptionnonew description for the organization
contact_emailnonew email for the organization
slugnonew slug for the organization, must be unique in the system
policynonew policy for the organization


Share Link Functionality

  • Basic share URL: https://<server>/1/sharelink/1/<folder name>/<document name>?&session_token=<authenticated token>
  • Parameters:
    •  download_notify = 0 or 1 –> defines whether to notify the share creator when the shared file is downloaded: 1 notifies, 0 does not; default is 0
    • download_limit = <integer> –> defines the number of times a file can be downloaded: default is unlimited
    • subscribers = comma separated list of email addresses –> defines the share recipient list where read-only access is provided: default is none
    • expires = date in format of YYYY-MM-DD –> defines the expiration date for the share link: default is none

Fully-defined URL example: http://localhost/1/sharelink/1/folderName/documentName.txt?download_notify=1&download_limit=5&,,

How to Subscribe a User to a Team Share via the API

This is a POST request that takes the following form variables:

  • root_id of the Team Share
  • person_id of the user being subscribed
  • machine_id of the machine being subscribed
  • all_subscriptions: When true Web, WebDav and Future machines will be enabled

Note: Not passing machine_id will only subscribe Web & WebDav

How to Unsubscribe a User to a Team Share via the API


This is a POST request that takes the following form variables:

  • root_id of the Team Share
  • person_id of the user being subscribed
  • machine_id of the machine being subscribed
  • remove_files = True to remove Team Share from machine


Authentication Source

To attach an AD source to an existing organization, use POST URL 1/management/ad/create/ with the following variables:


To import a user from an AD source, use 1/management/ad/import_user/ with the following variables:


Use the GET call to list users from an authentication source: /ad/list_users/<auth_source_id>/.